I haven't been in my studio as much as I would like these days. Have been busy with other day to day things. I have managed to get a little bit done.
I am planning to create some projects using images I have printed to Lesley Riley's TAP (Transfer Artist Paper). It is transfer paper that makes a very sharp, bright image on fabric. It can be used to transfer images onto other surfaces, also. Since I mostly work with fabric, I am using it to transfer images to fabric. I have printed up some images on the TAP supply I had in my art supply stash. I ended up with images printed in both directions, since I forgot to flip the image on my computer screen before printing! Something to remember when working with transfers. (very easy to forget!) I plan to make good use of all of the transferred images. Unfortunately the TAP product is no longer being made, so I will have to make the most of my little supply!
Images printed onto TAP (Transfer Artist Paper).
The one on the upper left is of a Monarch butterfly
on our Cosmos plants. The bottom right photo is one
of our ancestral homes in Ireland. I believe it is no
longer there, but this image of it has always
sparked my imagination. A good starting
place for a project!
Image of our ancestral home in Ireland. It is printed
on vintage linen, I believe from the 1950s,
found at a sale. The linen was new, with sizing
still in it. After washing it is a bit wrinkled. It is off white
with a bit of texture. This image has always sparked
my imagination, a good starting place for a project!
Images transferred to Cotton Prepared for Dye fabric.
An iron, used in combination with my ironing board, was used to transfer the images. A Teflon protection sheet could also be used as extra protection for your iron, though I didn't use the Teflon sheet this time.
I like using the PFD fabric, but the TAP transfers can
be applied to other surfaces, as well.
Bird wood cut image transferred to PFD fabric.
This is from a wood cut I made in my teen
years (quite a while ago now!) I have been wanting
to create something with the image. I plan to use it to
create a post card for the Quilting Arts Magazine
"Time Flies" Reader's challenge, which is in celebration
of their 100th issue. It seems like an appropriate
image for the challenge.
I am happy I have gotten a little bit done, even though it is not as much as I would like! At least I have a start on some new projects.
Sometimes just finding a little bit of studio time leads to the eventual completion of projects. (Created in bits of time, rather than all at once!)
Wishing you good use and enjoyment of your time,
Many Blessings,
Denise A. Buchwalter-Losczyk
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